martes, 30 de septiembre de 2014

high fly


today i want to witre to the most polemic cover to "Las Ultimas Noticias"(LUN). LUN is a popular newspaper in Chile. In them you found some differences news but them used a more relax style when write the news.

In september 2011 a airplane to the Air Force of Chile had an accident nearby to the Juan Fernandez island. The airplane falling down to the sea and all the people in them died.

21 persos died in this accidents, one of them is Felipe Camiroaga. He was a popular person in the Chilean tv, many people loves him. So  when the tv says the news and the possibillity of Felipe death, many people crying and going to TVN, the channel where Felipe working, to pray and set a candell.

This night LUN riased to them web site a cover with a picture of Felipe and the next text "el ultimo vuelo del halcón" Whith this tittle LUN confirm the Felipe death, but this information was wrong because the Air Force of Chile don't said anything about the people dead, only said them was missing. So the next morning in the paper version the cover was different. The tittle said "desesperada busqueda del vuelo de Camiroaga"

At present this mistake is remind for many people and many ladys still cried for Camiroaga

and that is all for today!!! see you later :)

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